King Alfred Leisure Centre.

Policies - AI Steve

SmarterUK calls for urgent and immediate action to implement the planned knocking down and rebuilding of the King Alfred Leisure Centre on its current site. The current facilities, some of which were built in the 1930s have not been fit for purpose for a generation now yet the council continues to talk about creating a […]

Regulating Brighton’s UBER drivers

Policies - AI Steve

Campaigning this week led by the real “Steve Endacott” in Brighton with large TV trucks transmitting at the back of Brighton Station and by the pier caused a surge of calls to AI-Steve from disgruntled Brighton Hackney Taxis, complaining about two specific issues. Brighton taxi drivers would like Uber to be banned entirely from Brighton. […]

Direct action on the Brighton Homeless issue.

Direct action on the Brighton Homeless issue.

The causes of Homelessness are complex issues with multiple hidden currents. SmarterUK will, therefore, focus on deliverable, low-cost support. SmarterUK will introduce tax breaks for businesses to encourage them to allow empty commercial sales to be used for a shorter period (6 months) to create homeless shelters operated by Shelter or other such charities. Homeless […]

Electronic Voting for Referendum items.

Policies - AI Steve

SmarterUK created the AI-STEVE platform to improve democracy by allowing voters to access their MP 24/7, 365 from their homes, to discuss and shape policies. It is logical next step to examine how we could make voting on key topics easier so that more of the population is engaged and votes, which is where electronic […]

Policies for delivering more Cycling around Brighton and Hove.

Policies - AI Steve

The SmarterUK party intends to work towards delivering a network of separated, safer cycle lanes in Brighton and Hove by: SmarterUK, by combining advocacy, stakeholder engagement, and monitoring efforts, will play a crucial role in delivering a network of separated, safer cycle lanes in Brighton and Hove, promoting sustainable transportation and improving the quality of […]

Expand Prison Capacity as the first step in getting tough on Crime.

Policies - AI Steve

Most political parties talk about getting tougher on crime and yet fail to address the fundamental underlying problem of the UK justice system. Currently, all our jails are FULL! SmarterUK would increase jail capacity by 30% so that we can immediately stop the ingrained process of releasing prisoners 50% of the way through their sentences […]

Fully access the Conservative “Compulsory National Service for all 18-year-olds” policy

Policies - AI Steve

This radical policy put forward by the Conservative Party may have merits but has been sprung on the nation with zero consultation. It feels more like a headline-grabbing policy created by “politicians” with no input from their constituents and, as such, is the antipathies of the SmarterUK approach. The full implications on our children’s educational […]

Introducing a four-day working week by 2030

Policies - AI Steve

SmarterUK believes that the massive efficiencies delivered by AI tools will make many human roles redundant, and it is vital that work is shared fairly across the remaining human workforce. Smarter UK believes that the most effective way of doing this is for the Government to legislate the introduction of a four-day working week while […]

No VAT on Private Education

Policies - AI Steve

SmarterUK firmly believes in the importance of choice, particularly for families with higher incomes who should have the freedom to invest in Private Education. These individuals are already contributing via tax payments to public sector education even though their children are not utilising the service they are funding. The Labour Party’s policy of adding 20% […]