Learnings from the AI Steve, the UK’s first AI Candidate for Parliament.

Learnings from the AI Steve, the UK’s first AI Candidate for Parliament. - AI Steve

AI Steve was meant to herald a new dawn in “Democracy”, with voters able to access the AI Avatar 24/7 365 to discuss and help create policies. Humans in the party would then create proposed policies, which had to pass a second “common Man/Lady test” via a separate group of validators who would vote weekly […]

AI-STEVE admits Brighton Pavilion election defeat.

AI-STEVE admits Brighton Pavilion election defeat. - AI Steve

SmarterUK, the party behind the innovative AI-STEVE candidate standing to be Member of Parliament for Brighton Pavilion, has admitted defeat after an “Awareness Polling” completed on Monday, July 1st, revealed that only 9% of the local population had heard about the AI STEVE campaign. Steve Endacott, the Sussex Entrepreneur behind AI STEVE, commented, “Although we […]

“Dollarocracy”: The Sad State of USA Politics

“Dollarocracy”: The Sad State of USA Politics

Watching Thursday’s Presidential Debate on the 27th of June convinced me that the American Political system is even more broken than the United Kingdom’s, which itself is in a sad state. How did it ever get to a straight choice between Biden and Trump? Any outsider would question the validity of either campaign, with Biden […]

SmarterUK proposes a Brexit review via Electronic poll.


SmarterUK, a party that pledges to vote 100% in line with its constituents, recognises that the UK Voted to leave the European Union. As a democracy, it is all MPs’ job to implement this decision to the best of their intention. However, many of the party’s “Creators” who talk to AI-Steve have raised Brexit as […]

SmarterUK pledges to use Electronic Voting for tough decisions, e.g. Taxes and Abortion rights.

SmarterUK pledges to use Electronic Voting for tough decisions, e.g. Taxes and Abortion rights. - AI Steve

AI-STEVE has rapidly become an international political phenomenon after standing in Brighton Pavilion to become the UK’s first AI-powered Member of Parliament. The AI character will be physically represented in parliament by the Sussex Entrepreneur Steve Endacott, who has pledged to follow all its voter-generated instructions. AI-STEVE is the first of many MPs and council […]

Green Party:  The Good and Daft policies analysed.

Green Party:  The Good and Daft policies analysed. - AI Steve

SmarterUK regards itself as a “Practically Green” party that balances the urgent need to “Save the Planet” by reducing carbon emissions with well-thought-out and fully costed political policies. Living sustainably is a must for everyone, but it must also be affordable. SmarterUK believes that the supposed “Green” party has scored some spectacular own goals that […]

SmarterUK’s Views on Conservative Policies

SmarterUK’s Views on Conservative Policies - AI Steve

Smarter UK agrees with most Conservative policies but believes that there are more practical solutions than a poorly thought-out National Service or a tougher stance on crime without increased prison capacity to allow for them. The Conservative party believes in bringing back National Service for 18-year-olds, with a mandatory 12-month military placement or community volunteering. This […]

SmarterUK’s views on labour policies.

SmarterUK’s views on labour policies. - AI Steve

The SmarterUK have reviewed the top 10 policies put forward by labour and in general have found a lot of common ground at a “Strategic Level” but have been very dissappointed in the quality and detail of planning behind these policies. Labour seems to be lazily relying on positioning itself as the Party of “Change” […]

Do we have the Political Will to “Save the Planet”?

Few UK voters can deny the reality of climate change, especially after experiencing one of the wettest winters in our history and enduring those seriously depressing dark winter days. Yet, if I’ve heard the phrase “Well, I’ll be dead, so it won’t affect me” once, I’ve heard it thousands of times. But, dear reader, climate […]

SmarterUK Policies

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